Dental Implants

Zubni Implanti

What are dental implants?

Implants are artificial substitutes for natural teeth, they are made of pure titanium, screw-shaped, with threads in order to bond to the bone as well as possible.

Frequently asked questions

When you are missing one or more teeth. It is much better solution than to rub two adjacent teeth for a bridge or a prosthesis with greater edentulousness. We are proud that we are the first in our country began with the installation of the so-called. "Short" (6mm) implants, which provide a simpler and cheaper way to solve some complicated cases, eg: the problem of lowered sinuses in the upper jaw, this method avoids the procedure of lifting the sinus floor (sinus lift), which is therefore cheaper, faster and easier! In the lower jaw, the problem of lack of bone in the lateral region is also solved very successfully in this way. We have been doing them for years and we have achieved great results!

Today, this procedure is quite simple for the patient, as well as for an experienced implantologist. After the installation, it is best to wait a couple of months for the complete bone bonding of the implant to take place, and then work on the crowns or bridges on them, which is already planned. The procedure and recovery are completely painless!

Until recently, the implant was considered successful if it remained in place for 5 years, today it can be said with certainty that this time interval is absolutely extended and that it practically depends on the local conditions of the patient's hygiene, as well as his general health.

Don't worry about opting for this modern type of problem solving in dentistry, just choose the doctor who suits you and make esquires about which implants he is installing. Don't fall for today's marketing, which mentions lifetime guarantees, this guarantee is given by the manufacturer on the durability of the implant as an object (which is not difficult if it is known that it is pure titanium), and not on the fact that it will stay in your bone forever. no one can guarantee that to you.
It is important that the implant is registered with us in "ALIMS" (legal), and that after installation you get an implant passport that guarantees the quality and seriousness of the company that makes it.
We opted for two implant systems:

These are Zimmer dental implants, one of the leaders in the world of dental implants and  C-Tech implants, a renowned manufacturer from Bologna, which offers several models and thus covers a wide range of indications.

During the first visit, the doctor will assess the condition of your soft tissues and remaining teeth. In order to assess the supporting bone of the jaw, it is necessary to make a 3D image of a certain region. With the help of advanced diagnostics, the quality of the bone and the exact location of the implant can be assessed.

Preoperative procedures:
In some cases, it is necessary to perform preparatory procedures before implant placement.
Ovi tretmani mogu biti:

  • Periodontal care:
    Implants cannot be implanted if any gum disease is present.
  • Bone augmentation:
    Sometimes there is a lack of bone mass, so it is necessary to increase the volume of bone with certain bone substitutes, in order to create favorable conditions for the installation of dental implants.

Implant placement:
The duration of this procedure depends on the number of implants that are installed. It usually takes about 30 minutes to install one DENTAL IMPLANT. If tooth extraction and installation of several implants is planned, everything can be done in one visit.

Schedule your free consultation today


Rehabilitation of both dentures. Procedures for extraction of teeth, roots, cyst surgery, bone augmentation, implant placement, temporary bridges, all performed in 2 days.
Complete reconstruction of the upper jaw with 6 implants and crowns
Approximate price 4200 €
After 7 years of implant placement in place of the lateral upper incisors, the perfect fit of the metal-free crown on them and the gingiva around them proves the quality and longevity of our work!